Eh... It's Okay

User Rating: 7 | Resident Evil Code: Veronica X PS2
Alright upon this being one of the first ps2 games i ever played, i will still give you the review.

Ok. to start off, it's a good game, but it still stop and shoot, even if it is upgraded from the dreamcast version. anywho, it's like most of the other RE games. which was kind of boring. anyways all i know about the story is that there is a transvestite, that thinks he's his sister(odd i know). and thinks claire is someone else. yeah don't remember. anywho.. you beat the mansion and you're like yeah!!!!, then like awwww.

yeah, for part 2 , i couldn't find the key in the very begininning, so i stuck in action replay and boom. it worked. (I regret buying action replay). so, yeah i beat the game eventually, it was pretty hard finding all the stuff. Well, this game is ok, and i reccomend renting before buying.