A pittance to the gamers beneath me that decided this game required anything more than endless customisation.

User Rating: 7 | Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory PSP
Gameplay: 9/10
Graphics: 6/10
Replayability: 6/10
Learning Curve: About an hour.


- Massively expansive arsenal of weapons and power ups to mix and match at whim
- Advanced AI for a technical challenge
- Enthralling combat experience, quick progressing and never a dull moment, so long as you know how to adapt to the enemies
- Decent multiplayer experience
- A brilliant game for the Hack n' Slash genre fans
- Simple but effective control system


- Graphics arn't amazing
- Combat can become tedious and laboured after constant death
- Loss of items after dying is really annoying
- Pretty abysmal storyline, but you can live with it

The Verdict:

I enjoy games like Dynasty Warriors and Devil May Cry, and this game is refreshing incite into this kind of genre, although I must say people who are looking for a deep, heart-throbbing tale of fantasy and euphorically-tailored brilliance are unfair to ask this of a budget game, I personally have enjoyed many hours sat back, ignoring the imperfections and just pigging out with the creativity of the customisations. Basically you can stick a weapon on each limb including the head and chest, and your layout can never be absolute as each enemy yields a different weakness. Overall this game at it's current price is a steal and I'd say grab it, even if you do not choose to play it, as I soon predict it shall disappear into obscurity and gain value.