this game has no honour!!!!, avoid like the plague, im really not joking here people, its is the worst action game ever!

User Rating: 5.5 | Red Ninja: End of Honor XBOX
i really had high hopes for this as , like any gamer i think zombies and ninjas kick ass!

oh how wrong i was.

basically your a ninja getting revenge for your fathers death, yeah i know, woop-dee-doo.

gameplay wise , and gameplay is the only letdown here, its sucks.
no. really.

it really sucks!.

think of the worst camera control, the worst pyhsics engine ever and the worst weapon and stealth system ever and double it, thats how bad this is, it was such a bad game i literally shook my head in disbelief, the controls are so aweful i cannot put into words my sheer dumbfounded-ness about how god-aweful this game is, its got worse jumping controls than tomb raider for christ-sakes!!!.

graphics wise its not bad, hot chick?,check. samurais?,check. exotic locations?,check.
okay the game looks good, really good, its too bad the aweful controls let it so far down.

sound wise its nothing special but really adds a sense of tension to the scene when sneaking up on a guard.

value wise theres nothing to bring you bakc and with controls this bad its doubtful you will even finish the game with such a harsh sytsem.

i had very high hopes for this and trust me you will be so,so dissapointed and all i can say is it gets my seal of turdie-ness.

"avoid like the plague!"

please avoid it, for your own sake.