Though beginning to show its age, Red Faction still offers a great campaign for fans of the FPS genre.

User Rating: 8.9 | Red Faction PS2
As I write this review, Red Faction is somewhere between 4 and 5 years old. Considering how fast video game technology improves, it might as well be centuries. Red Faction, however, seems to have held up well over time.

There's no substitute for good old fashioned storytelling, and oh my, does Red Faction tell a good story - something that is not particularly typical of the First Person Shooter genre. Another thing atypical of shooters is top-notch voice acting, something else Red Faction can claim.

Gameplay is still ridiculously deep, with controlable vehicles, the ability to move bodies, destroy environments, etc. You can actually do more things in Red Faction than its sequel.

Sure, there are a few telling signs that Red Faction, heading into 2006, is well past its prime. While the graphics certainly won't get in the way of the experience, they are nowhere near as good as modern shooters. And the multiplayer, when set next to even Perfect Dark for the N64, is weak. Only nine maps are available, and the only mode you can play is deathmatch.

Still, the game has a lot of value, for a few reasons. This game was made in a time where FPS developers actually cared about their first person campaign modes. The first person game is long, it's difficult, and as I said before, the story is compelling. There are enough hidden passageways, alternate routes, and exciting gameplay moments that it will be worth playing through more than once.

And of course, the number one reason this game is still worth buying: You can pick up a used copy for FIVE FREAKING DOLLARS! You just can't buy this quality level of storytelling and diverse gameplay for five dollars anymore.

If you're a fan of FPS games and are looking for a good single-player campaign to sink your teeth into, don't overlook Red Faction because of its age or price. It still packs a mighty whollop.