Red Faction is a broken game in all categories, and it is a complete mess and waste of time.

User Rating: 4 | Red Faction NGE
Red faction for the N-gage is a perfect example of an awful game. The fact that it is based off of an excellent PS2 game makes the experience that much more dissapointing. It really is a disgrace to the Red Faction franchise.
Gameplay: The controls in this game are pretty bad. The N-gage definately was not designed for FPS. You use the D-pad to move forward/backward, and to strafe left/right. You also use the 5 key to shoot. The problem with this is that it's not like DOOM where your shoot will go higher if an enemy is higher or lower from where you are. So, how do they fix this problem? If you must move your crosshair(which you do frequently as in most FPS), you must press the 7 key. After you press they 7 key, your D-pad now controls the movement of your aiming, and you now use the 2,4,6,8 keys to move and strafe. This control scheme is very messy and often leads to confusion in the middle of a firefight. It also doesn't help that fact that the game is very dull in it's overall presentation. You go through one save point to another shooting your way through enemies who move like robots. These horribly unrealistic enemies also have excellent aim to the point of frustration. Once you encounter an enemy, or even see an enemy from far away you better shoot them right right away, or you are looking to lose at least half your health in time. Also, even if you kill the enemy right away, you are still looking at losing a portion of health. This makes the game very unbalanced and unfair at many times.
Graphics- While the graphics may be superior to the GBA, that doesnt make them good. Everything from the surroundings to the enemies you fight are quite blurry and blocky. Also, the enviroments you fight in are exactly the same in almost every level, making backtracking very confusing.
Sound- The sound is probably the worst part of the game. From the horrible and unclear sound of enemies saying over and over "Die Miner" to the awful sound effects of your weapons which make them feel very unpowerful.
Overall, this game probably should be avoided at all costs. If you are an N-gage owner looking for a decent shooter experience, this definately is not it.