If you want a good shooting/action/adventure game, then Red Faction: Guerilla is the game for you!

User Rating: 9 | Red Faction: Guerrilla PS3
The game starts you out as Alec Mason, and his brother tags along with you. If you want a funny message, kill the brother in some way and you'll get a failed message screen with a funny message (not going to spoil it for those who have not played the game). As Mason and his brother venture on, an attack happens that kills Mason's brother, leaving Mason alone to assist the Red Faction in their mission against the EDF on Mars. What you need to have Mason do in order to complete the game's main objective is liberate every sector (Parker, Dust, Badlands, Oasis, Eos and of course the entire Mars also counts as a sector) and complete every Guerilla action (after this is done, you'll be given another set of Guerilla actions under a harder difficulty). Collecting as much salvage as you can is also very crucial, because salvage can be traded in for new weapons/upgrades.

I had a lot of fun playing through and completing this game. Let me warn you that it can get kind of frustrating when you are doing missions sometimes, but if you play the game enough you should have the hang of it enough to prosper in your missions. A helpful tip for when you are taking vehicles back to safe houses is to look for shortcuts. I haven't played the online aspect of this game very much, except for Team Anarchy (which is pretty fun). From what I've seen, the online play in this game manages very good quality and has few lags.

The graphics of this game are great. The explosions you get when you blow up a vehicle seem pretty realistic. Same thing when you blow up a building or a gas tank. I can't think of anything that could have been better when it comes to this game's graphics.

Rating: 9/10