Absolutely a blast to play, with fully destructable environments and diverse mission types. Definitely one to check out.

User Rating: 8.5 | Red Faction: Guerrilla PS3
"Red Faction: Guerilla", the third entry in the series from Volition, is just flat out fun to play. Unlike the first two entries, which were FPS, this new entry switches to the third person and becomes an action adventure in an open sandbox world where destruction is the name of the game. The new Geo Mod 2 engine provides for satisfactory demolition, with no building collapsing the same way twice. And how you play demolition man is completely up to you. You can blow the building up, ram through the walls with any number of vehicles, or take it apart wall by wall with your trusty sledgehammer. The weapons are varied, and fully upgradable through the use of salvage you collect while smashing things across the Martian landscape. being an open ended sandbox, you can go about things as you wish, the only limitation being you must liberate a sector before moving on to the next. This is accomplished by reducing EDF control to zero, which is done by performing various story missions and guerilla actions. There are six sectors in total, each with a slightly varied look. The story isn't deep but it's serviceable. Graphics are well done, and convey a realistic look of a colony on Mars. The controls are tight and work extrememly well, even in the heat of battle, which there are many. Some battles can get too chaotic however, thus increasing the difficulty of completing your missions. None of this distracts from the fun, and there's plenty to be had here. It'll take about 20 hours to complete the story, but more can easily be spent in the game. Enjoy!