Fun and good for those who like destruction.

User Rating: 8.5 | Red Faction: Guerrilla PS3
Red faction leaves little for those who want destruction, the physics engine allows for each building to fall differently and can create some interesting fun if you like to think about different ways to make things fall. The story is alright, nothing great, but Red faction has never been a game one plays fro the story. The variety of vehicles and weapons also adds to the destruction, as you can drive right through little homes and huge complexes. The graphics never really pop in or have any sort of issues, other than that some of the object look like they are lacking a little when it comes to detail, but that is understandable as you can create so many objects with a flick of your hammer that not all of them can look like you could lick them. The characters are, so-so. But for a world where mars is lived on, and is oppressed, and a revolution is taking place it isnt hard to imagine a somewhat cartoon like world. Over all Red Faction is a great pick for those who like destruction and arent looking for a game which is all about seriousness.