It could be better... Taken straight from games like Just Cause, but with... more explosions and less parachutes.

User Rating: 8.5 | Red Faction: Guerrilla X360
Who knew that destruction could be so much fun? There were some points of the game were I'd be surprised at just how much could be destroyed -- everything. Not many other strong points though, the story is a bit drawn out, but I have indeed seen worse. I haven't beaten the game yet, so this may be a bit premature, but I have indeed played the **** out of multiplayer and it's pure gold. There were a few points however were I wondered what were the developers thinking...

They created so many missions and yet they only have four or five different modes and continuously you're being forced to do them over and over... which can really get annoying. At the start it is fine and really works smooth, but after a few hours it gets old and will make you go crazy.

If you enjoy the type of game style, then you'll really like this game, as it brings it to the full potential and is a must-buy.

So, with an okay-game and great co-op. This game is a rent first, then buy if you enjoy it.