This game is very fun and addictive.

User Rating: 9 | Red Faction: Guerrilla PS3
Like i said this game is very fun and addictive and will keep you glued to the T.V. in till you either beat the game or a football game started. The most amazing part about the game is obviously its geo mod which pretty much lets you destroy everything, except the landscape itself. But that doesnt matter. AI is smart most of the time but will sometime run straight at you which ends up an easy kill. I haven't beat the game, actually i'm only in the second region (Dust)

I recommend you start at a medium difficulty setting. Easy is just to plain and simple. I recommend Hard for people who have played a game from the mercenary series.

Try not to get frusterate when you die from falling debris or if your car gets stuck in debris :( it happens to everyone but adds to the realitivity

its a short review so im just adding characters ignore this part ****