Awesome online and off

User Rating: 9.5 | Red Faction: Guerrilla X360
I haven't played the first two Red Faction games so i don't know much about the story, but I do enjoy this game very much. I got like an hour of playtime in and now I can't stop thinking about how fun that game is. Granted the sledgehammer is ridiculously strong but hey, if it wasn't there, would be no point in making use of it in the game. The backpacks inserted in the multiplayer are a great addition I think. Sure getting knocked back by the rhino or the concussion gets a little frustrating but they are your best friend once you get to use them and get the timing right.

The main mission is to free mars from the EDF and during that time build on the hope of the civilian workers to join in on poppin the heads of the EDF drones.Trying to build morale among the guerillas does however get difficult because they tend to get in your line of fire or can't find a way to take cover when getting fired upon by the EDF, so they die alot, you get that little prompt on the corner of your screen and then you get pissed off at the AI. I get pissed off at the AI in reality. So far the story seems great though and easy to follow the voices of the characters sound natural and fit well.

I would say this game is definitely worth the 60-something bucks to get.