This game is a snack.

User Rating: 8 | Red Faction: Guerrilla PC
I thoroughly enjoyed Saints Row 2 and since the maker of these two games was the same I expected this to be a real joyride. I was a bit disappointed - although the car handling is far better than in SR2.

The destruction is nice and it carries the game a long way but it alone does not make this game great. The game also felt a bit unpolished. Like the ideas would've ran out after the first two territories.

I got this for less than ten euros and considered it to be a decent price. So if you're into hammering through walls, fighting against respawning enemies and getting some of that 80's Total Recall vibe. This is for you.

124 words. Spell Check. Submit. Wait, what? You say I need to have 800 characters on my review? But the guideline says 100 words. I'm confused. Besides I have nothing else to say about the game. It wasn't that sublime.