You'd be foolish not to give this game a chance! Easily one of the best games of the year!

User Rating: 9 | Red Dead Redemption X360
If you like rockstar games like GTA, like open world games, or just simply like good games then this is the game you need!

Gameplay: 9.0- The single most important part of a video game is the gameplay. Fortunately, Red Dead Redemption offers an immensely fun gameplay. As you'd expect, it is a third person cover shooter where you can ride horses, clear out gang hideouts, play games like poker or black jack, hunt animals, start bar fights, shoot up bars, rob banks, the list is near endless. The only draw back I can say about the game is that the combat gets a little repetitive after a while but no matter. It's the good kind of repetitive!

Graphics: 9.0- Red Dead Redemption has some of the best graphics of 2010, at least technical graphics. The lighting is perfect and it truly looks like the old west. There were rarely any glitches, but when there was it was really bad. I mean so bad I had to revert to my last save. As an example, I was hunting down a bounty, I hogtied him and when I picked him up it glitched out and I was carrying the air and the body was still on the ground. I couldn't re-pick him up, set him down, or put him on my horse. It was really frustrating! But don't worry, that almost never happens.

Music: 8.5- The music in Red Dead makes the world feel alive and feel like an old western. But it's the same music playing throughout the game and it just gets annoying after a while.

Story: 10- Red Dead Redemption easily has the best story of 2010! I'll try not to spoil the story but it has many twists, surprises and tons of amazing characters including John Marston himself. Also, the game has a very epic bitter-sweet ending that you'll either love or hate. Just know it isn't a dumb predictable ending like many games have these days. I implore that you play through the entire story! Don't stop half way through, the story is long but it is worth it!

Multiplayer: 8.5- Whether you like the multiplayer or not is all based on opinion. I didn't care for it to much except for free roam where I pretty much do what I wouldn't do in the single player. It provides some good entertainment. Unfortunately, the customization for your online character is very limiting.

Final Verdict: 9.0- Red Dead Redemption is easily one of the best games of the year! There are hours upon hours of entertainment. This game is a must play!!