Pixilated players play perfectly in harmony!!!

User Rating: 8.5 | RealSports Volleyball 2600
I have great memories of playing this game with my younger brother in about 1983. We marvelled at how realistic it was and how much fun it was. And how he never beat me. This is a fun one or two player game with primitive graphics. Each side has two "players" and they move in conjuction with each other. The ball (is it still called a ball if it is square?) is volleyed over a net and...well, you get the picture, it's volleyball. The game takes place on a beach and you can hear the waves crashing and see the sun setting. Really, that's what it is. The game is surprisingly challenging, mainly because your guys move at the same time in exactly the same way, so a lot of it is timing. Try this one out. You'll probably like it. At least watch the sunset.