This game puts its PC counterpart to absolute shame.

User Rating: 1.9 | Real Time Conflict: Shogun Empires DS
Gameplay: The sad part is, there really isn't any gameplay to this game. You command an army and then move around your troops in a "Risk" board game type manner. Once you commence combat, you end up either shooting down enemies using the touch screen or commanding troops in an RTS style.... without the strategy aspect. This game truly is the most repetitive game I have ever played, because you literally are doing the same combat technique over and over again. In reality, there are only about three or so different battle areas also.... which adds even less strategy. Basically, I cannot stress enough how important it is to stay away from this game for this reason and this reason alone. Compared to this game's PC counterpart this game is utter junk.

Graphics: While it is done in 3D, the detail is lacking. Character models are ugly, and the environments don't feel lively at all. The menu is ok though, which is something I guess...

Sound: Again, reused sounds get pretty old. Same old grunts, same old music. Nothing is very exciting or enthusiastic about the sound in this game at all.

Value: Literally, there is absolutely no replay value to this game. Mainly this is because even though you have two campaign options they both are nearly identical. The story is lackluster, the entire game and presentation is lackluster and will never leave you wanting more even from the start of the game. Take my advice and do not buy this game, even if it is on the clearance shelf. There is so much more that is worth spending your money on.