There is something really WRONG about Real Time Conflict: Shogun Empires... The AI and the graphics are the worst ever.

User Rating: 2.8 | Real Time Conflict: Shogun Empires DS
The plot of Real Time Conflict: Shogun Empires is a very obvious thing, It is about the Samurai brothers during the Japanesse wars and the eternal struggle of armies that their only purpose in life is to obey the leaders orders to acomplish their ambitions.

The graphics are very very BAD, the Sound effects are mediocre and the AI is TERRIBLE.

This game probably has the worst AI ever, it would appear that the AI was programed by a stoned 16 year old teenage. It has a lot of ''bugsy'' gameplay, the battles are TEDIOUS, the minigames are TERRIBLE and the game completely lacks the basics of a decent game.

The real-time strategy battles that are supposedly at the heart of this game are practically a joke. You've got just three types of units on the battlefield: archers, swordsmen, and spearmen, though once per battle you can also summon your warlord, who will magically show up on his horse and cut down several enemies before going away. That's all right, but the problem is you can't do anything with your units except throw them at their enemies.

The brain-dead AI is the worst, and even if you had more strategies to chose from everything would be ruined by the pathetic AI.

Overall: Real Time Conflict: Shogun Empires is a very bad RTS game and it will not fulfill the basics you seek when aqcuiring a game