Ahh yes, who could forget about RBI Baseball? One of my favorite all time games!! One of the NES's Gems!

User Rating: 9 | R.B.I. Baseball (Unlicensed) NES
Anybody who has played this game can probably still remember the tune the game plays! I can remember the whole thing! Sometimes I find myself humming it to myself while I work some 10 years later... LOL !!!
If you own a NES and don't own RBI Baseball this one is a must have! A fun, addictive, very smooth game play, enticing game. I have played this game for so many hours I'm at the point where I wish someone could even compete with me! Go to a local game store or pawnshop and pick it up immediately! Fire up your NES, pick your favorite team and play as your childhood heroes... What could be better?