Great Story,Great Multiplayer, Best of series

User Rating: 8.5 | Ratchet: Deadlocked PS2
Ratchet Deadlocked is the best Ratchet and Clank game of the series. I love playin the story mode wit my bro. The multiplayer is just plain awesome and reminds me a bit like Halo if your playin in 1st person which i dont. Fun weapons to use as usual. The Arbitor is a bit unfair when used against you. The mods are all great from the freeze to lava to the funny mod that turns ur enemy to an animal. The vehicles are all fun to use. I like the various choices of characters that can be used. Even Jak from Jak and Daxter is an option in the story mode. Its lame how only player 2 can use him though. I love playin the different modes in multiplayer especially capture the flag and co-op story mode is the **** I think its the best Ratchet game to date. I hope they make another. I say any1 who doesnt agree has issues and if you dont hav it get it now