User Rating: 9.8 | Ratchet & Clank (Platinum) PS2
This game is a MUST HAVE for any PS2 owner! It has amazing graphics; I would put it under Metal Gear Solid 2 in terms of best graphics on the PS2. Sound is okay, music is a bit boring and repetitive but the weapons and enemies' sound effects are well done and satisfying. Gameplay is very diverse - you jump platform and fight, fly a fighter jet, man a machine-gun and more. Control is almost flawless, but occasionally there are bad camera angels, but that's rare, and the manual camera sometimes interfere combat but not to the point of extreme difficulty and frustration. A big problem in the game is the fact that AI activates only when you get near it, so most of the game is a turkey-shoot from afar, making the game more easy, but not always, and there are quite a few locations that are really difficult and challenging that sometimes require a trial-and-error strategy. This game is a lot of fun and is about 20-30 hours long and a few more hours if you want to find all the Gold Bolts. In conclusion, this game is recommendable to anybody, doesn't matter what's his/her favorite genre.