this game is really long really fun and really amazing

User Rating: 9 | Rakion PC
the graphics are amazing you can actualy see the face of youre charactor.
there are 5 charactors,
ninja the fast and week charactor.
blacksmith the strong and slow char.
archer good charactor for far attacks (range)
mage the really slow charactor but if he hits someone he give more damage then the blaksmith.
warrior the balanced charactor.
so far no one reached the max level of 99.
the only bad stuff about this game is that you need high internet conection
to play 3 vs 3 and above, with out laging.
also when you high level let's say 31 you got almost no chance to win someone same level or higher then you and he paid monny and you didn't.
but to get to level 31 it takes a lot of time, over 100 hours of play.