User Rating: 9.2 | Railroad Tycoon 3 PC
This is a great game. I never played the orginal 2 versions in the series but now I wish I did. Im a bit older now then back when the first ones came out and have a bit more appreciation for strategy games then I did back then. Simply put this game is very well done. It doesnt even matter if you dont have a ton of interest in the subject matter of trains. If your interested in a well done and fun tycoon game this is it. The graphics are excellent and to be honest I gave it 10 because I really cant think of anything that could be much better. Im running on a Radeon 9800 (non pro) and the game is simply stunning when you turn on the in game AA and pump the rez up to like 1200 or so. Also the engine itself is quite incredible. You can zoom out to a view from practically space and then straight down to the ground 5 foot from a train and the engine handles it smoothly and fast as lightening. Amazing. The sound is also top notch. The only complaint I would have is while the music is good i would have liked a bit more variation in the style of it. It just seems like one long song even though I know its 90 minutes or so worth of music. The most amazing thing about the game though is the gameplay. It is one of those rare games that is fun regardless of your proficiency level. If your a newb strategy gamer you can do good. Just lay track, buy trains and you can do pretty good starting out. Then as you get more comfortable you can fiddle with the industry side buying businesses up and trying to build some as well. As you get more comfortable mess with the stock market and learn how to squeeze out even more profit. Then if you continue to master the game learn how to further increase your industry profits with shipping things to the right areas to combo up and create more unique industries and really see profits soar. Again....its a game that regardless of your skill level with games like this you will like it and have fun. I will say that you will have a bit of learning curve in the beginning if you have never played these kinds of games and may even be wondering about the game as I was for the first 3-4 hours or so that you play it. But as you start figuring things out and see how things work the game just continues to reward you for putting in the effort. This is a great game and if you even have a passing interest in this style of game you should give it a try.