RAGE is brought down by an unexciting story and lackluster multiplayer.

User Rating: 5.5 | RAGE X360
RAGE is a futuristic shooter from Bethesda Softworks.

Similar to Fallout: NV, I picked this game up because it was created by the same company that developed Skyrim. After playing New Vegas and RAGE, I've decided to stop doing that.

RAGE has an overall beautiful graphics system, filling every house and town with very nice detail and creativity.in all of the battleground areas.

However, graphics are about the only thing that RAGE has going for it, and the rest of the game is filled with mediocre first person combat.

The main story is filled with a few colorful characters, but other than that, is pretty much just terrible in my opinion. The problem, is that there really is no storyline. You get sent on tons of pointless missions that don't even prove to be even close to relevant to whatever story there may be. To avoid using spoilers, I'll just say that this game also has one of the worst endings that I've ever seen,

Enemies are absolute bullet sponges. It takes multiple shots to the head to even take down the lowest armored enemies, except on the very last level, where you get an overpowered cyber-cannon like weapon that makes the game TOO easy...

The vehicular combat is fun for a while, but even that gets rundown a bit towards the end of the game.

Multiplayer is boring. Bethesda obviously isn't a multiplayer company, as none of the Fallout games, nor does Skyrim have it incorporated.

If you see RAGE in your bargain bin, go ahead and pick it up, but I wouldn't give up much for a lackluster shooter in this day and age.