Poorly Designed Throwup that should be Thrownback

User Rating: 4 | RAGE PS3
This game is really poorly designed. Sometimes buttons will pick up things when you are near them. Other times it is a pixel chase of trying to land on the right pixel for it to register you picked up that item. Is this a hidden object game? No, it is a FPS. So, playing hidden pixel while people shoot at you is not fun.

And sometimes the button press doesn't register at all. For both picking up objects and reloading your gun. Which in both cases is pretty annoying when someone is shooting at you.

80% of the doors in the game serve no purpose. So it can be EXTREMELY ANNOYING to be stuck in some part of a level and realize that Oh One of the Doors actually does open! Those other 15 doors, nope. But just this one door that looks like all the others happens to lead somewhere.

There is no in game map in towns or in buildings.

SHOOTING: Some of the guns feel powerful...until you unload an entire clip into some dude's face, and he's still not dead.

VOICES: Every enemy group only has one voice recording for that entire group. So, it sounds like you are fighting a clone army. Every single person sounds EXACTLY the same. It really creates a feeling like you are not making any process when you kill the same person over and over again.

QUESTS: There are two types: Fetch and Kill. And sometimes after you kill everyone in a building. The next quest will be...kill them all again.

DRIVING: The third person driving is alright, but it really doesn't feel all that amazing.

CONSENSUS: This game feels like a throwback to the original FPS: Doom, Castle Wolfenstein, and hey it's made by the same people. The problem then, is that it feels like it hasn't learned by all the FPS improvements over the last 20 years.

CONCLUSION: I paid 10 dollars for this game, and I just want to finish it, see the ending, and be done with it. Rage is more annoying than the little pleasure it brings.