Gentlemen, Behold! The Future of Gaming!

User Rating: 10 | Rag Doll Kung Fu PC
When one first looks at a game like Rag Doll Kung Fu, it's easy to be skeptical. With its odd style and downright crazy control system, who could possibly enjoy this game? EVERYONE, that's who. RDKF is a glorious example of game development gone right. Programmed entirely by Mark Healey (with some help from his friends), RDKF is a fighting game like no other, mainly due to the controls, but also due to the freedom. Using nothing but the mouse, you control your character by dragging his limbs around to move with the left mouse button, and use the right mouse button to drag limbs and attack. Yeah, on paper it sounds confusing, and when you first start out, it is. But after about an hour of practice, you will find yourself flying around and kicking heads using the most ridiculous martial arts techniques you have ever seen!

The game looks phenomenal, and the screenshots and movies just do not do it justice. Capable of running in nearly ANY resolution, the characters and backgrounds always appear crisp and clean. The characters move around in a 2D space, but the camera is fully 3D. combined with the breakneck pace of the fights, it makes for an extremely intense game that will have your wrist sore.

Online play is a blast, though the server browser can be a little wonky at times. Nothing like loading up your own personal skin (it is incredibly easy to draw your own characters using Photoshop or the GIMP), hopping on your buddy's server, and wailing on him like only you can.

Most importantly, the game plays well. The response times are spot on, and the fighting, while frantic, is very well balanced. it is nothing more than a click and a scoot of your mouse to jump, punch, kick, or swing a weapon.

Overall, I have to give the nod to Mark Healey. He has single-handedly rejuvenated PC gaming as we know it. With all the copycat First Person Shooters and Strategy games on the market, it is nice to see that there is still some creative juice left in this industry.

Plus, he works for Lionhead. I wouldn't expect anything less.