Simple, fun and addicticting!

User Rating: 8.1 | Kaisen Game: Radar Mission GB
The game is a version of the classic board game, battleships. The bonus version if you will is a submarine sim which is a bit harder and a bit less fun. It doesn't last very long, and you can do both game modes in about 2 hours. It's just way too easy, so don't buy if you want a challenge

Gameplay-9/10- A revamped version of battle ships and a fun submarine sim.

Graphics-5/10- Pretty basic. even for the gameboy. The graphics in the sub sim bit are O.K.

Sound-6/10- typical Gameboy tunes and good sound effects.

Value- 8/10- Well, really this is a matter of opinion. If you want a challenge, then it's not good value. If you want a fun simple game you can return to every now and then, then it's great value!

In a nutshell- Fun, easy, simplistic, a good game to return to every now and then