QUAKE III wins everytime

User Rating: 9.5 | Quake III Arena PC
I love games especially ones with good story line ive played the games that made games today possible and im glade to be apart of the gaming community personly i believe if quake 3 wasnt around then there would be no true halo capture the flag this game branches out from its fps to aomthing much greater first person multiplayer shooter i still play online but sadly im getting a new pc and will play quake live my account is I amDevilsAngel the name has no meaning the game is just demonic like i was saying quake 3 is a true ground breaker but sadly lacks the storline most tournament based games loose but this game did not need it suprisingly i love games without quake 3 i would not be a gamer that being said i would not know what to do with my life and im planning to make games myself I love you quake:)