The game world is wonderful, but some repetitve and poorly designed puzzles drag this one down to being mediocre.

User Rating: 7.5 | Puzzle Agent PC
I love the Grickle shorts -- just go search YouTube for "Grickle Santa" to get a good taste of these comics. That world transfers itself into Puzzle Agent pretty well -- there's a lot of creepy and dark humor in the game, and the art style is fresh and cool.

But the puzzles are the backbone of this adventure, and they fall flat. That said, the game ends with a terrific cliffhanger, and I'm still very anxious to play the next one!

The good:
+ Great artwork and overall art style
+ Very good voice over work throughout
+ No unnecessary tedious walking around scenes -- you play the puzzles, and wandering about is not needed.

The not-so-good:
+ A few of the more original puzzle designs are poorly documented, so you aren't really sure what's happening and will submit some wrong answers because of bad assumptions on your part.
+ Four or five very basic puzzle types are repeated 3 or 4 times each.
+ Short game -- I was done in about 3 hours (but the game is only $10...).

Overall, it's no Professor Layton, and other recent quirky adventure games (Machinarium) are much better, but this series still shows a lot of promise. I still recommend this game.