One of the most absolutely enjoyable Wii games I have played. Interactive boxing, far exceeds WII Sports boxing. :)

User Rating: 9 | Punch-Out!! WII
I played this game at my local video game store and thought it was kinda fun. I visited my local movie rental place to give it a whirl. After seven or eight trips with it being constantly rented out, I went back to my local video game store.
Luckily a customer had just returned, so I was able to purchase used. I would have gladly payed full price. This game is OUTSTANDING! The controls are extremely easy to figure out. Punch with left, punch with right. Jab, Jab, Hook, Hook. I take Tae Kwon Do and really get my punches down with this game. No if I could just get Wii Remotes for my feet. HMMM, Maybe that's an idea for Nintendo.
I will admit I haven't tried the "old school" controls, mainly because the interactive part is what makes it so much fun.
My kids have really enjoyed the multi-player mode. They have been harmlessly pounding each other into oblivion and laughing the entire time. Supervised, of course.