This Game is worth every penny.

User Rating: 9 | Project: Snowblind XBOX
Project Snowlind is one of those games that you don;t really know if it is going to be good or bad or just another mediocore first person shooter. Well it isn;t just another first person shooter. This game is in my mind as good as Halo 2 because it involves team work, it has really cool guns, really cool gadgets, a bunch of different granades, good graphics, it involves strategy, and the campain mode is very fun. Halo 2 does have all of those things but in Halo you can just run into a room with three of four elites and wasts them then you get your health back. In Project Snowblind you will usually get killed if you just run into a room. So the game will take some strategie and planning. The campaign mode is very good and very fun. It involves many different types of action and stealth. There will time though when you will get to have a face to face battle with ten or fifteen guys at once, and then once they are gone there are more enemies hiding and just waiting to snipe you or blow you away with a turret just around the coner. The only that I have found to be bad with the game is the online play because not enought have it yet to make online play fun. But there are a couple of cool aspects to the online play. You get to pick teams, jump into the middle of a game and start shooting, you can pick what class of soldier you want to be, you get two weapons and gadgets based on your class of soldier, and you will never run out of ammo or die persay because there are health and ammo stations everywhere to fill up on both. If you don;t like Halo or you are just sick of it then Project Snowblind will keep you busy for a while with it's fased paced action and non stop expectation of what am I gonig to see next.