nice game

User Rating: 8.5 | Project Blackout PC
ok let me start it this way if you like counter_strike or cross fire or combat arm you are going to like this one.the gameplay is smooth and fast with enough amount of guns.there are not so many modes in the game the modes are good one wich are 4(death match bomb destroy and challenges).the graphics in this is good.its doesn't move you but it's good.the game has so many maps and they are designed perfectly.overall i really liked this game and since its free i say you should go and play it because it's a solid game and if you liked the games above you will love this one.

BOMB:this mode is just like search and team is terrorists and the other one is the swat.terrorists should plan the bomb and swats should stop them..if you die you won't respawn till the next round.

DESTROY:in this mode each team has a base they should protect while
destroying the enemies base.

DEATH MATCH:tow teams start killing each other.the first team that reaches the limited score wins.

CHALLENGES:special game modes like battling with npc and .......