• KingsMessenger’s Activity
  • KingsMessenger posted a message on the post Genshin Impact Voice Actors Say They Haven't Been Paid In Months [Update].

    ... absolute dogshit journalism.I literally posted yesterday telling you to update the article to clarify that it was the recording studio that wasn't making payment, but you didn't do anything. Now t...

  • KingsMessenger posted a message in the forum topic FTC Vs Microsoft Thread. on the System Wars board

    @onesiphorus: It is a waste of taxpayer dollars because the 9th Circuit has established case-law indicating that they are extremely unlikely to overturn this ruling. They would have to find that the ...

  • KingsMessenger posted a message on the post Genshin Impact Voice Actors Say They Haven't Been Paid In Months [Update].

    Just an FYI, and probably something you should correct in the article, Hoyoverse doesn't directly handle the English Voice Acting. They outsource English VA recording to Formosa Group. The voice ac...