• fedorPlaysGames’s Activity
  • fedorPlaysGames posted a message in the forum topic Do you think Republicans who lose their election will deny the results like Trump?. on the Political Gamers board

    You do realize that prior to him doing it that the democrats screamed it for years too both in 2016 and before..right? Its quite literally both parties and neither of them gives a shit about anyone in...

  • fedorPlaysGames posted a message in the forum topic Truth Social is in its death spiral. on the Political Gamers board

    I mean why would he care at this point considering he's most likely going to end up getting his Twitter account back? While it currently hasn't been confirmed I'd be willing to bet money that that's e...

  • fedorPlaysGames posted a new image.
  • fedorPlaysGames posted a new image.
  • fedorPlaysGames posted a new image.
  • fedorPlaysGames created a stack Games I've Played.
  • fedorPlaysGames created a stack Games I'm Playing.
  • fedorPlaysGames created a stack Games I Want.