Visually Stunning, Tedious to Complete

User Rating: 5 | Prince of Persia PS3
I'd never played Prince of Persia before, and this was a poor start to what I understand is a fantastic game. Right off the bat, you can't be killed, not really – the companion character to the arrogant Prince is a Princess. She swops in a saves him whenever he starts to fall too fast. While that does make for less re-loading, it still cheats the gamer from having to really play well.

The storyline made me nauseous. The concept was tired and overbearing. The story was vaunted as being some new age idea, but in all actuality, was just a re-hashing of God knows how many previous fairy tales. The controls themselves were simple to understand, but the game play itself was silly. Either I was getting it too much or I completely missed the boat, either way, I had to force myself to go from level to level just to complete the game.

In the end, the story fell flat and the game play was just okay. The graphics were stunning, one of the few PS3 games, at the time, that were truly great, but that's not really hard to find anymore. Overall, I wish I had skipped on this game and had my $60 back.