This game isn't that bad...

User Rating: 6 | Primal Prey PC
Basically this whole game is just about shooting dinosaurs and putting them in ur trophy room or giving them to people who need them for certain reasons like research and food and thing like that. The makers claim that the AI of the dinosaurs is great but really i find it very simple, the big dinos try to rip u apart and the small ones run away, also the dinosaurs walk over quicksand without sinking and underwater without drowning. Graphic are not that great, the sound of the dinosaurs is the same all the time for each spiecies and it starts to get annoying. Weaponry includes tranquilizing pistol and rifle, sniper rifle, electric gun, sonic blaster, rail gun and my favourite the shrink ray. Dinos include t-rex, lambeosaurus (duck-bill), quetcoatalatlus or something like that (terradactil), Utahraptor, troodon, gastonia, triceratops, styrachosaurus and iguanadon.