valve strikes off with another game called portal.... superb graphic n gameplay.. totally impressed!

User Rating: 9 | Portal PC
At first,i wasnt really impress enough to play this game as my first choice was half-life2.ep2 to play off........both of them came along with the orange box ,just as i played the first tutorial of the portal, i was heck of impressed with its graphic n fantastic gameplay (thanks to the new source engine)........well not a bad deal for $49......Impressive graphic details,tricky puzzles (it took me hours to solve some puzzles out) .. very unique script ideas,tests,portal's amazing gameplay and the funny computer talks and guides u lol quite funny...just a little bit of disappointing with the lenth of the story-line , its kind of short like the hl2 ep1 and 2 but i hope soon valve brings up portal's expansions or a new series but still definetly worth playing actually a must play guys...if your into puzzle games and a fan of valve like me then portals here for u!!!