The simplest game ever. It's also one of the most revolutionary.

User Rating: 9.3 | Pong ARC
Everybody knows Pong. It's one of the most well known games, because it's so simple. It's just a few lines and a ball. You control one of the lines, moving it up and down, making sure that the ball doesn't get past you, while trying to get the ball past your opponent. That is it. Nothing more. Though from such a simple idea came videogaming. This game alone got the industry going. Cause of this game, Atari was able to create the first console, the Atari 2600. Cause of that, we now have the Wii, the PS3, and the XBox 360. All going back to this simple arcade game.

This game was made by a few people on a simple programming machine. Since this game has only a few lines and a ball, that aspect was a simple task to make. Though the big thing was the physics. That was very smoothly made. That aspect was more complicating to make than you may think. Especially with the basic technology that was used. If the ball hit one part of the line, it would bounce that way. If it hit the other side, it would go the other way. The programming was well done.

This game became an instant success. Within the first day of it's release, the pocket inside of the arcade machine was absolutely packed with quarters. There was no more room. Even though a quarter may not seem like much at all, this game got Atari millions of them within a short time. It was a huge success. Since Atari was able to make this much money and success, they were able to expand on the ideas. They were able to improve the technology. They were able to make more games, and introduce home consoles, which also marked the decline of arcades. Though it was all for the better.

As for Pong, it continued to be played for a long time. Many variations were obviously made over time. People still play it. People still find it fun. This game was made in 1972. It's 2007 now. 35 years later, and this game still remains as fun as it did back then. Even though now, you can find it everywhere. You can even remake the game yourself if you have the right program. This game such a huge success, and was such a big revolution. It will forever be remembered. Even though it's only 3 lines and a ball, it is considered to be one of the most important games in gaming history, and it was one of the most addicting games ever. I'm sure every one of us has played at least some variation of Pong, and if you haven't, then I'm surprised.