Swat 2 is a joke of a game and is a terrible choice for fans of shooting games.

User Rating: 3.5 | Police Quest: SWAT 2 PC
Shooter fans have had some great games released recently, Goldeneye 007. the Rainow six games are solid, but Swat 2 is an embarresment to shooting games. It is a joke of a game and is the last game a shooter fan should even consider buying.

First of all, the game's gamplay is a mess and very frustrating, it could've been an instense game that could'be been pretty good but it ended up being terrible. The game plays out badly, the controls aren't good, and the command system in the game is very disgraceful. Out of all this the graphics are probably the best thing about the game, but the graphics aren't revolutionary so they won't make you come back to the game. The game's sound is pretty horrid and is another thing that brings this game down. The game has a lot scenarios, 30 to be exact, 15 for each side (terroritst and SWAT). But since the game isn't that good you'll probably quit playing this game before you're able to finish the campaign.

This game coud've been an intense nail-bitter strategy game and could've been pretty decent. But SWAT 2 will be remembered as a game that could've been a lot better but ended up being a messy waste of time.