I would pay $5 just to hear the banter between these four internet celebs.

User Rating: 8.5 | Poker Night at the Inventory PC
Poker Night at the Inventory is a simple concept: take four of the web's most recognizable icons and make them play poker with you. This simple concept goes a long way to bring you one of the most enjoyable experiences you'll ever have with 52 imaginary cards.

The most important thing in this game is the character with whom you play poker. For those who are not familiar with these four, I'll explain them

Strong Bad:
The most popular character from homestarrunner.com, Strong Bad is the wrestleman with the wrestle plan. He thinks he's all that, and, well, he is. His cockiness, self centered overtones, and unique style of comedy from Homestar Runner creators Mat and Mike Chapman, make him a very enjoyable character to play with

The Heavy:
Hailing from a violent part of the Soviet Union and the cold-blooded killer of Team Fortress 2 fame, the Heavy Weapons Guy compares his game of poker to life on the front lines. Naming his chips and trying his best to keep them from being "captured" by the enemy players. His violent and somewhat scary stories of war are sure to throw the other players off their game.

One half of the best team of freelance police ever to hit New York, Max is a rabbit that is anything but adorable (on the inside anyway). He comes from the Sam & Max series of comics, cartoons and video games. He like long walks on the beach, tearing out the entrails of any thugs that come his way, and using his License to Maim to its full extent.

Your average gaming nerd, Tycho from Penny Arcade enjoys playing old video game and Magic: The Gathering. His style of comedy consists of video game inside jokes, so any hardcore gamer is sure to find him hilarious. He's hard to get along with, swears like a sailor, and seems to have a fetish for animals, but those all add to his comedic stature.

The gameplay consists of a 5 man game of no limit Texas hold 'em. That's it, but for $5, you can't ask for much more. Plus there are two main reasons people would buy this game, and neither is for the poker. They are: the comedy and the Team Fortress 2 unlocks.

This game seems to follow, as the TF2 players call it, buy an item and get a game free. At sometimes, the players will be a bit short on cash and will buy in with an item, including a minigun, a pair of shudder shades, a luger/badge combo, and a watch. If you knock them out when they buy in with their item, then the item is yours in TF2 if you have it.

Overall, the comedy, familiar faces, and TF2 unlocks make this game more than worth the $5 price tag.