I will always cherish the memories of this game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Pokemon Snap N64
I really loved this game; I mean discovering this game and playing it taking pictures of Pokemon was really fun.
The only downside is the lack of all the Pokemon and lack of a bit of complexity to the ways you find some of the 'secret' Pokemon. I am not sure what I meant there, but my point stands. I also felt Mew was a bit of a letdown. Those two sentences are the only negative things I can think of to say about this game.
Having done everything on this game, and then not wanting to play it seconds after its completion left me with an empty feeling. Knowing that I couldn't play Pokemon Snap again and feel the same way I did the first time I played it made me truly sad. You know how after you beet a game you really love you just enjoy every second of it and then you beet it and your like no I don't want it to end I want more. That is how I felt, an emptiness.
Well I talked about my feelings on why I loved the game, but not why I have those feelings.
Basically your in a little 'car' and its constantly moving. Pokemon are flying, walking, running or swimming everywhere around you,or just sitting still, your job is to take pictures of these Pokemon. First, you just start off with a camera, but after nabbing a certain amount of points or beeting level whatever you can get items like an apple to draw out Pokemon or various other items that I won't explain, and will leave for you to figure out. To beet some levels you must get however many points or use an apple to knock over a Pickachu onto a switch to reveal the next level. Upon, returning from a level you will select what pictures to give to Professor Oak, you can only give him one picture of each 'species' of Pokemon, so choose wisely.
The pictures will be judged by a few things size, pose, technique. Size refers to how close is the Pokemon a speck in the distance won't be as good as a close up, but then to close and it won't be to good either. Pose is for example is the Pickachu using thunder will get you more points then a Pickachu that's just standing there looking cute. Technique its just is it centered if it is then the points from size and pose will be doubled. There is also bonus points awarded for if there are more of the same species of Pokemon in the picture if its dancing or using an attack; or the legendaries will just get a ton of bonus points for being legendary. This is before technique so it will be doubled to.
Levels can be replayed and say you already have a picture of a Jigglypuff for 1500 points you take another one and give it to Professor Oak He'll judge the new one and let you choose which one to keep.
Professor Oak is actually a skilled judge so you shouldn't get to mad at how many points he awards you. Sometimes you will think that your Charizard picture is the best, but not receive the most points for it. You can always save it in your journal which is mentioned at one of the very bottom paragraphs.
Oh, and when you get all of the Pokemon, excluding Mew, you will then have to search each level for six hidden Pokemon signs, of various Pokemon.
Another thing is that there are the three legendary birds hidden in eggs throughout three of the levels. The eggs can hatch through various use of items and other tasks. These will get you extra points.
One last thing that I want to mention to you that is a specific thing of this game that I will above all remember. It is that the best picture you get will be in a little journal that you can check back on before Mew,because he gives you a lot of points for just being Mew, mine was Pickachu with bonus points for it being Pickachu on a stump. Also in this journal is where you can store some of your favorite pictures that you can always look back on. I personally never used it, but you can.
In closing this is a great game that you will enjoy, maybe not as much as me because I'm weird for liking this game as much as I do, but you should pick up or if its lying on your shelf pop it in and enjoy.