Countless hours of old-school fun :D

User Rating: 10 | Pocket Monsters Pikachu GB
Now i'm probably a bit one sided to this game because for me this was the first game i ever owned by myself on my eighth birthday and started gaming for me. Pokemon Yellow in my opinion is one of the best titles in the series because you get some of the best Pokemon out of the whole red-blue-yellow trio and you get all the starters given to you. The yellow version also started (which i think should be in every game) Pokemon following you during your journey. The pokemon series has always seemed to be why nintendo puts most of its tech (link cables, wi fi, etc..) into their handheld systems, transferring your Pokemon to the stadium game on the N64 is one of these amazing features.

At the time it was created Pokemon Yellow was one of the most innovative and better designed games. I'll remember the countless hours i spent playing on the fuschia city beach with my pikachu playing the surfing mini game that you could play if your pikachu knew how to surf.

Again, this game was extremely fun for me and I think everyone should give this game another go or just play more games in this series :D