Pokemon RBY (Red, Blue and Yellow) left a legacy in portable gaming. The most popular portable game ever!

User Rating: 9 | Pocket Monsters Pikachu GB
This review will cover the entire 1st generation games of Pokemon. It will also make reference to the Yellow Versions improvements and added features. Pokemon, pocket monsters for short, was a massivly popular role playing game on the Nintendo Gameboy that inspired a television series and a franchise of spin offs. The game involves the travels around world of Pokemon, in the region of Kanto. Pokemon are monsters with powers that can be collected and trained. They roam the world like our animals in real life do and range from common to rare, to one of a kind. Collection of these creatures is the primary element to the gameplay of the game. Their powers can aid you on your quest to become the greatest pokemon trainer in the world, a Pokemon Master.

Visuals- On the black and white 8-bit game-boy, Pokemon doesn't look pretty. The overhead shot of the character sprite that is suppose to represent you roams the many buildings, houses, caves, forests and various others terrains. So there is alot of content in the little cartridge of this 8-bit portable game. Each pokemon you encounter have individualistic sprites and every attack and special ability has their own animation. Colour was added to the upgraded Yellow Version. Also Pokemon were given individualistic and more detailed sprites even out of battle. The add in of the the Team Rocket Trio characters and the Pikachu that follows the player around is tribute to the television series and adds to the cuteness that makes pokemon so fun.8/10

Sound- Pokemon's 8-bit sound effects makes good use of the digitised 'beeps' and 'boops' of the Nintendo Gameboy. The tunes made the game feel more adventurous and epic. 8/10

Gameplay- The character roams from one town to the next, along the way battling wild pokemon or other pokemon trainers who own pokemon of their own. Each battle takes place in a turn based battle screen. Wild Pokemon can be caught and owned by the player providing that they weaken the pokemon with a item called a Pokeball, a small ball that can fit in your poket. This is why they are called pocket monsters or Pokemon. The player can only carry six pokemon at a time but are able to collect up to 151 Pokemon by journeying in the game or trading with your friends who own a different version. You can transfer and store your Pokemon in a storage facility via public PC. The game starts off liner and you must move from one town to the other defeating pokemon gym leaders who reward you badges to qualify for the pokemon league. Which is kind of like our olympics in the real world. You can use Pokemons abilities outside of battle, such as cutting down trees, getting them to swim you accross the sea, Dig and even Fly. When one of your Pokemon gains the abiltiy to fly, it can fly you to any of the cities that you have already visited making it a fantastic warping method making the game easily explorable. The improved Pokemon Yellow removes many glitches that could provide nifty cheats in the game in the earlier Red and Blue versions. Also, pokemon yellow doesn't let the player choose from the three starter pokemon that were one of a kind in the earlier versions. Instead, Yellow allows the player to obtain all three of them from non playable characters located throughout the various towns of the game. Their are many optional adventures. There are one of a kind Legendary Pokemon to capture and a evil criminal orginisation to defeat. 10/10

Pokemon RBY is a powerhouse of a game.