Don't even mind Gamespot. This is One of the Most Underratted Games Ever. Not the best Pokemon, but one of the best!!!

User Rating: 9 | Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Ao no Kyuujotai DS
If you are a Pokemon fan, and a Zelda fan also, chances are that you'll love this game. When I bought it, I was thinking that this game wouldn't be much of a wrong I was....

What can I say about this game is that it is SOOOO ADICTIVE!!! God, when I start playing it, at 2 PM, and when I stop, it's already 11:30 PM! That happened to me once, and I got late at school on the following day. You can recruit almost every pokemon known, from caterpie to MEWTWO!!!

Seriously, I highly reccomend this game to Pokemon and Zelda fans. This game is, without a soul of a doubt, One of the Most Underratted Games of All Time!!!