With massive extras, N64 capability and a solid storyline, Pokemon Gold is the gaming definition of a sequel.

User Rating: 10 | Pocket Monsters Kin GBC
Graphics: 10/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Replayability: 10/10
Learning Curve: Generally about a day, give or take, depending on the age and/or intelligence of the gamer

- Much flashier visuals when compared to Red/Blue/Yellow
- Insane amounts of Pokemon
- Much more to do
- More inspiring storyline
- Compatible with Pokemon Stadium 2 on the N64
- The multiplayer experience is nothing short of phenomenal

- You really will need to pour time and effort into this

With the success of the prequels, gamers imagined minor changes and more Pokemon, but never did they expect the sheer caliber of awesomeness that was unleashed upon gamers everywhere - you needed a link cable and a kid walking down the road for a battle and it was always a rush and still is, especially playing with your Pokemon in Stadium 2 against the CPU or your friends, the popularity of this is still great and even now people still look for copies. If your one of those new gen. gamers who started with the NDS, boy did you miss out!