Do a lot more stuff you can't do in the originals...

User Rating: 9.5 | Pokemon FireRed Version GBA
In Pokemon Red, you can thwart Team Rocket, catch Pokemon, and battle people, but in the improved Pokemon FireRed version, you can go to the Sevii islands, get Pokemon you can't get in the originals, catch Lugia and Ho-oh, and battle more people, and catch Entei, Raikou,or Suicune, and trade with Ruby, Shapphire, and Emerald! Basicly, there's more stuff to do in these games! The Statistics:

Graphics: 9/10 (sublime)
The Pokemon actually have color rather than just red, the Third-person veiws were a nice touch, and the places you go are more detailed. Also, the pokedex with the enviroments, they look awesome! Also, the Pokemon attacks are way better!

Sound: 8.9/10 (magnificent)
The music is a little different, but a little better, Pokemon cries are the same thing as before, and the sounds are not too different. The sound is good.

Gameplay: 9.1/10 (sublime)
It's the same thing, only you get to do a crapload more stuff, like I said before.

Camera: 10/10 (flawless)
The camera is perfectly centered on the trainer, who is in the middle of the screen, no flaws here...

Difficulty: 6/10 (average)
This doesn't count against the score, but it's about right for anyone.

Humor: N/A/10
This doesn't count against the score either, it's just not made for this.

Controls: 9.4/10 (sublime)
Same old controls...

Plot: 9.2/10 (sublime)
Become a Pokemon trainer, fill the Pokedex, thwart Team Rocket, beat the Elite Four, explore the Sevii Islands, catch pokemon, get the Ruby and Shappire for you to trade, trade with Ruby, Shappire, and Emerald, there's a crapload of stuff to do.

Overall: 9.5/10 (sublime)

Ok, that's it, get out of here, or I'll fire mah lazer! Bwwahhhh!