One of the most Fun and Addicting Games to play on your Gameboy!

User Rating: 8.5 | Pocket Monsters LeafGreen GBA
Pokemon LeafGreen:

My Personal Rating: 8.7/10
Graphics: 7/10
Sound: 8/10
Story: 9/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Level of Difficulty: 5/10
Level of Addictiveness: 8/10
Level of Fun: 9/10
Quality: 9/10

Pokemon LeafGreen is probably the best game that I have played on my Gameboy SP. It is very fun, as well as very addicting! The story is simple but still very good. You start out with the Professor talking to you, then you get to choose whether to be a boy or a girl, then you choose your name, etc. When you start the game, you are in Pallet Town. This is your new hometown but you don't stay there for very long. You get to choose a Pokemon to keep, from the Professor. I would recommend that you take Squirtle. He is a very good pokemon especially when he levels up. You get to travel through many cities throughout the game, as well as trade specific pokemon with specific trainers. You can also fish in Leafgreen if you want. I love the "Fishing" feature of this game. You can also surf on the back of your pokemon which, I thought was very cool to do. You can try to catch "Legendary" pokemon if you want or you can just focus on training your ordinary pokemon. The Ending to this game is pretty good, but also very predictable. Your goal in this game is to try and get all of your pokemon to level 100, as well as to try to defeat your rival at the ELITE FOUR at the end of the Game. Along the way you will have over 100 battles against other trainers, and a lot of battles against "wild" pokemon. You will fight against your "Rival" about five or six times throughout the game. You will also have to fight against Team Rocket a few times. Once you get to the end of the game, you should have to go up against the four "Greatest Trainers Ever," and then fight your 'Rival", one last time. The hard part is that you must fight them all in a row, so no breaks for you or your pokemon. My advice would be to level up all of your six pokemon to the max before taking on the ELITE FOUR. That is the "basic" story of the game.

The Graphics of LeafGreen are actually very good, at least in my opinion. The game was made 6 years ago in the year 2004, so I am still pretty impressed with the graphics. The sound is okay, some of the music they play can get a little bit annoying if you are playing this game for several hours straight. The Level of Difficulty for this game is about 5/10. There is only one difficulty for this game and it really isnt that hard to beat.

Over all, I thought that this was an awesome game. I love playing all of the "older" games on my Gameboy SP. I had a ton of fun playing this game, and I am pretty sure that you will as well, if you give this game a chance.

I hope you guys and girls liked my review. Try giving Pokemon LeafGreen a chance. It really is a good game!
