A mostly accurate biography of my life...

User Rating: 10 | Pokemon FireRed Version GBA
When Game Freak first approached me about buying the media rights to my life story, I was skeptical. I thought that they wanted to film a movie about my journey from sleepy ol' Pallet Town to entering the big leagues at the Indigo Plateau. Boy, was I behind the times! Apparently, movies aren't the cool thing to make any more, but a video game about my life? Crazy!

Then I met director Junichi Masuda. We shared a tasty lunch of Ekans' eggs and fresh leeks in a Vermillion City cafe called Pleasantly Farfetch'd. While we ate our meal, Mr. Masuda expressed to me his sincere passion for depicting the story of my life through an all new art medium, the Game Boy. His belief was that for viewers to truly understand the experiences that made me Kanto's Pokemon Champion, they had to follow my steps and undergo the same trials. All in a friendly, virtual form, of course.

I'll admit, I was embarrassed that my story had gained such a following that even big entertainment industries were taking notice. i maintained my modesty for about two weeks before caving in and signing over the rights to my likeness to Mr. Masuda and his friend, Mr. Satoshi Tajiri. In 1996 they released the interactive biography of my life under the title, "Pokemon." The game was so successful that they just re-released it again with two remastered versions, "Fire Red" and "Leaf Green."

I don't know about the titles, but I was truly impressed by the accuracy of the games' contents in comparison to how events actually happened. All of the Team Rocket mishaps are represented with stark honesty, although I never visited the "Sevii Islands" and know nothing about any hidden Rocket base there. I suppose the higher ups needed some way to justify a new release of my life story; I guess I can tolerate a few creative flourishes.

I am honored to have my life journey retold in a format befitting of people's interests these days. Technology sure has come a long way, I almost feel like I'm looking at a real photograph of myself whenever I turn on the game! Some who preferred the original edit of my biography might not warm up immediately to the new presentation in "Fire Red" and "Leaf Green," or the addition of new, fictional scenes. However, on the whole, I believe that those who found value and enjoyment in Mr. Masuda's original vision of my childhood will be pleasantly surprised at how much energy and entertainment this remastered edition has going for it.
