Very dissapointing game that does not deserve to carry the pokemon name.

User Rating: 5.6 | Pokemon Dash DS
Pokemon Dash is simple scam to try and get money from pokeomn fans. It is a lazy, not fun, under performing DS game. The fact that the only playable character was pikachu made this game that much less fun. I would have liked to have the option of being other pokemon other than the yellow rodent. Also, their were the same pokemon in the races for all the tracks. I owuld have liked to have a seen a wider variety depending on the elements of the stage. For example, having ice pokemon for the snowy tracks and fire pokemon for the lava stages. To put it simply, stray away from this game as you possibly can, very , very, very far away.

The only cool part about this game is that you can make custom tracks by inserting a GBA pokemon game in teh BGA lsot of your DS. This is cool because the tracks are based on the pokemon in your party and the time you get is based on the levels of your pokemon. Other than that, this game won't keep you entertained enough.