Hehe. Well, Pokemon was my first Handheld RPG I got into when I was in middel school. You just can't beat Red and Blue.

User Rating: 8.6 | Pokemon Blue Version GB
I was never interested in Pikachu or any other bizarr kiddy spin offs the cartoons inspired. I just liked the game. At the time there was a craze that mad every kid buy a game boy color, carry around a link and trade Pokemon. Every one of my freinds had a gameboy and everyone on campus seemed willing to trade or battle with you. I played that game so much that I was known for a level 99 Raticate during the begining of the craze. It was a social event I have never seen kids so interested in a gameboy game since then. Then the cartoons came and anything assosiated with then became embarassing to be around unless you were a little kid. Since then I've only own two more Pokemon games, Silver and Ruby. Both were really good, so I'm glad Nintendo is sticking with the direction the origanials were going.

For those of you who have never played an actual Pokemon game. It a youth freindly version of an RPG. The player take the roll of an ordinary trainer that captures wild creatures called Pokemon to protect, train, battle, save the world with, and many other things. The first versions, Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue, there are 150 creatures to find and collect since then the number has grown along with the complexity of the games, but the idea is basically the same for each game. I recommend this game to anyone who wants to find a classic game to play on long car trips or to anyone who really likes to collect things.