Plants vs Zombies is a cheep way to have lots of fun.

User Rating: 8.5 | Plants vs. Zombies PC
Plants vs Zombies is a simple game. Tower defense in which you use different plants to defend against different zombies. Some zombies require special plants to kill, but most plays can kill most zombies. The strategy comes in when you have to chose plants to use with a limited amount of space and money. You don't get much set up time and since you use sun for money you don't have much sun either. You have to plant down plants that make sun and quickly put up your defenses. Some plants shoot, some add powers to other plants, some act as a defense for you wall, and some make your wall. While some zombies are strong, fast, slow, or have shields. There are so many different kinds of plants and zombies. Once you beat the main game you can use the gold you earned during the regular games to buy new plants and other items for the game. There are puzzle games, mini games, and survivor mode. All of which are fun.

Graphics: 7 Freshness: 8.5
Game Play: 8.5 Exploration: None
Main Story: 1 Voice Acting: None (zombie groans)
Side Stories: None Emotion: 1
Characters: 7 Weapons: 9
Main Character: None Powers: 9
Replay Value: 9 Freedom: 8.5
Level Design: 9 Overall: 8.5