Scifi FPS MMO? Its addicting? COUNT ME IN!! 2 Things to know. 1. Free to play up to BR 6 / Otherwise Pay to Play Monthly

User Rating: 9.4 | PlanetSide PC
Wow.... where do I start? Ok. For one thing, this game was made back waaaaaaay back in the days of 2003. Now everyone knows that 2003 had some pretty crappy games ever made that year. Well this game was made from that year and surprisingly, its really freakin' cool!!!! If you watch shows like Firefly, Stargate, or Battle Star Galactica, and you have a vivid imagination of mass war between 3 nations then you have PlanetSide!

Gameplay - Basically, this is your typical 1st/3rd person shooter set in the future. Heres what your going to do: Get to know your weapons and vehicles, build strategies, join squads (basically grinding parties), then on to outfits (your typical guild), and enjoy the game! The game is great at making you feel like a very small contribution to a very big war. Every kill counts and helps you gain your next Battle Rank which allow you to gain implants (abilities) and Certificate points which can be used to acquire new weapon classes and vehicles. There are the 3 armies ranging from the Terran Republic, the New Conglomerate, and the Vanu Sovereignty each with their own pros and cons. The game is very deep on gameplay and strategy, especially if your a squad commander, You didnt think ordering new recruits around could be so much fun!

Graphics - For a game from 2003 it is surprising that it can look so good! If you have ever played Unreal Tournament 2004 then the graphics from that resemble PlanetSide a great deal. The planets are colorful, and the textures are quite solid. Since it is an older game it does lack the little Glints and Glimmers of now-a-days graphically improved games. Nonetheless, its not going to gross you out. ;)

Sound - HOLY CRAP TAKE COVER!!!! This game excels in sound, every gun you fire has a different sound effect all with their uniqueness and they all sound like they fit the weapon from which you fire from. When bombs are being dropped on you above you can hear the beautiful sound of bombs dropping and killing people ;). Ahhh the memories of WWII!

Value - This game will go a long ways with value. It can be worth starting from ground zero again and getting the certificates that match what you need to do. There is almost never a dull moment in the game and seeing as how their are so many freakin patches (what? A FIVE HOUR DOWNLOAD FOR PATCHES?!?!?!) that it is worth it because most of them fix the bugs of the game from 2003 and adds more to the gameplay than what was originally there. Overall, I will be playing this game for quite a while.

Tilt - Everything seems to be in place... the only thing that I can note is the physics and the collision damage are a little off in the game. It doesnt take anything down from the gameplay, but it can be annoying at times. The grief system is a little weird too. (TeamKill System)

If you have gotten bored of everything else then I strongly recommend PlanetSide. Its an easy Recommendation to Scifi and FPS fans alike. As far as the MMO part plays, this ain't know Medieval hack/slash game so the kills can be pretty freakin' hard to get. But, like every other game, theres always an easy way to level up =P. See ya Around the BattleField!